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Top CyberPsychology News
Spain puts ‘good vibes’ in a simulated trip to Mars
Valencia, Spain April 13, 2010 - Valencia Researchers have developed an application that will promote, through virtual reality, positive moods in six astronauts who will participate in the international agenda 'Mars500', by which a NASA and ESA project simulate a trip to Mars. In it, the crew will stay for 520 days, starting next May, in a special isolation facility at the Russian Institute of Biomedical Problems (IMBP) in order to experience the conditions that may occur in interplanetary travel. Project managers, Mariano Alcaniz, Rosa Baños, Cristina Botella, are researchers for the Valencian Interuniversity Institute for Bioengineering and Research in human-oriented technology (i3BH), composed of units of study from the University of Valencia (UV), University Politécnica de Valencia (UPV) and the Universitat Jaume I (UJI) in Castellón. They are all participants in 'EARTH-Emotional Health Activities Related for using Virtual Reality,' and are the only project from Spain apart of the 72 projects that will experience 'Mars500'. To read the rest of the article visit:
What’s in a Name?
New Rochelle, NY April 13, 2010 - When Cyberpsychology & Behavior was founded more than a dozen years ago, the name of this referred journal was so new that it needed a tag line to explain its purpose: “the impact of the Internet, multimedia, and virtual reality on behavior and society.” The concept of “cyberpsychology”– encompassing all psychological concepts associated with or affected by emerging technology¬–was new and exciting. Today, this peer-reviewed journal is indexed in Medline and PsycINFO, and many of the technologies reported at its inception are now decidedly mainstream. To read the full editorial, visit:
iACToR Premium Member of the Week
Prof. Dragica Kozarić-Kovačić, MD, PHD
Professor Dragica Kozarić-Kovačić is full professor of psychiatry. She is the head of the Department of Psychiatry and Referral Centre for Stress-related Disorders of the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare of the Republic Croatia in the University Hospital Dubrava, Zagreb, Croatia. She is an experienced clinical psychiatrist, sub-specialist in forensic psychiatry and integrative psychotherapy, with long-term experience of treatment of psychotraumatized patients and other mental disorders. Along with the clinical practice, she has extensive experience in scientific research and clinical pharmacological trials, as well as in teaching and mentoring undergraduate and postgraduate students. She is the author and coauthor of more than 260 articles,12 textbooks or textbook chapters, and 60 chapters in books. In 2005, she founded the Psychophysiology Laboratory in the Department of Psychiatry at the University Hospital Dubrava. Main activities of the laboratory include treatment and research of psychotraumatized patients and patients with anxiety disorders
5 Most Significant Contributions to the field
- Creating the Psychophysiology Laboratory in the Department of Psychiatry, University Hospital Dubrava, Zagreb, Croatia.
- Development of the psychophysiology assessment and treatment of psychotraumatized patients.
- Creating and validating psychophysiological assessment in clinical settings.
- Contribution of extensive research in the field psychophysiology.
- Contribution to education in the field of psychophysiology.
5 Ways to Get More Involved in the iACToR Members Website
- Become a Premium Member of iACToR!
- Get extensive discounts off registration for the World Health Care Congress in Washington D.C., World Health Care Congress in Brussels, Belgium, Med-E-Tel Conference, and the 15th Annual CyberPsychology and CyberTherapy Conference.
- Get discounted subscriptions to your favorite CyberPsychology publications
- Enjoy free online access to the largest online CyberPsychology Database on the Internet (Being launched soon!)
- Take part in the annual iACToR General Assembly
- Receive discounted membership to affiliated associations and societies.
- Join your local iACToR Chapter! Please visit the Chapter page to request membership to the appropriate iACToR Chapter. This is an excellent way to become acquainted and introduced to colleagues in your area!
- Begin the discussion! Please visit the Forum, find the appropriate category, and click Add a Discussion! As this field is rapidly growing, collaboration and discussion is vital to the growth and progress. Some have begun already, and we hope to see you post as well.
- Invite your colleagues! On the right hand side, under your name, next to the friends hyperlink is an Invite hyperlink. We encourage you to invite your colleagues to join in the discussion.
- Update Your Profile and Comment on Others! Keep members up to date with your latest information. Post a blog, update your status, add a picture of yourself, and let the community know your area of expertise. All can be done with in your Profile page and we encourage you to do so!
Coming Soon
- iACToR is in the process of compiling and formatting the largest CyberPsychology and CyberTherapy Resource for Premium iACToR Members to be launched soon! Stay tuned for details.
- iACToR is in the process of adding video chat to the iACToR website so that members can communicate and collaborate no matter where they are across the globe face-to-face. Stay tuned for updates!
Thank you all and I look forward to shaping our community with your help and valuable input!
Create your own reality!
Brenda K. Wiederhold, PhD, MBA, BCIA
Secretary General
International Association of CyberPsychology, Training, & Rehabilitation (iACToR)