International Association of CyberPsychology, Training, and Rehabilitation

Opening Statement

Hello iACToR members,

iACToR has added a new question to your profile: Specialty Areas.

Update your profile to let others know your Specialty Areas and visit others pages to view theirs!

To do so, visit the Profile tab, edit your Profile Information, and enter the appropriate information under Specialty Areas.

Top CyberPsychology News

4th International ICST Conference on Pervasive Computing Technologies for Healthcare 2010 Kicks off this week
Technische Universitat Munchen, Germany March 22, 2010 - The Pervasive Healthcare conference aims to gather together technology experts, practitioners, industry and national authorities contributing towards the development and application of human-centered pervasive and ubiquitous computing technology for healthcare and wellness. It kicks off this week featuring keynote speaker Professor Heinz Gerhäuser. To read more about this event, please visit http://www.pervasivehealth.org

Research Report: Combat Related Post Traumatic Stress Disorder: A Multiple
Case Report Using Virtual Reality Graded Exposure Therapy with Physiological Monitoring
Volume 29, Issue 1; Winter 2010 ABPP - (ONR) has funded a multi-year treatment research project to investigate the utilization of Virtual Reality (VR) and biofeedback therapy with warriors diagnosed with combat-related Post traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). The Virtual Reality Medical Center (VRMC), in San Diego, was awarded an ONR funded VR research grant and VRMC is currently treating warriors, diagnosed with combat-related PTSD, at both Naval Medical Center San Diego and Navy Hospital Camp Pendleton. The following report provides a summary describing the warriors treated with VR and their response to VR treatment. Read the ABPP Winter 2010 issue click here and scroll down to page 20.

iACToR Premium Member of the Week

Sun I. Kim, Ph.D.

Sun I. Kim is a professor in the Biomedical Engineering Department at Hanyang University in Seoul, Korea. He founded a research lab where he first applied virtual reality (VR) technology for psychotherapy. Since opening its doors in the spring of 1999, his research lab has collaborated with the Psychiatry research lab at Yonsei University Hospital in Korea and conducted an educational and research mission that has helped to treat patients with acrophobia, agoraphobia, claustrophobia, and fear of public speaking using VR technology. His current research focuses on VR psychotherapy, and is now exploring new frontiers. These themes outline a future where patients interact with virtual avatars with the atoms of our virtual world, and where creative virtual avatars not only respond to a patient's reaction, but also understand patient's emotions and thinking.

5 Most Significant Contributions to the field
  1. Creating and instituting a VR psychotherapy environment.
  2. Creating and instituting a VR driving simulator for Rehabilitation in the National Rehabilitation Center.
  3. Creating a VR cue exposure therapy for alcohol and nicotine addiction.
  4. Creating a VR social skill training system.
  5. Creating a VR for assessing and training OCD patients
Please visit his iACToR Profile at http://iactor.ning.com/profile/SunIKim

5 Ways to Get More Involved in the iACToR Members Website

  1. Become a Premium Member of iACToR!
    • Get extensive discounts off registration for the World Health Care Congress in Washington D.C., World Health Care Congress in Brussels, Belgium, Med-E-Tel Conference, and the 15th Annual CyberPsychology and CyberTherapy Conference.
    • Get discounted subscriptions to your favorite CyberPsychology publications
    • Enjoy free online access to the largest online CyberPsychology Database on the Internet (Being launched soon!)
    • Take part in the annual iACToR General Assembly
    • Receive discounted membership to affiliated associations and societies.
  2. Join your local iACToR Chapter! Please visit the Chapter page to request membership to the appropriate iACToR Chapter. This is an excellent way to become acquainted and introduced to colleagues in your area!

  3. Begin the discussion! Please visit the Forum, find the appropriate category, and click Add a Discussion! As this field is rapidly growing, collaboration and discussion is vital to the growth and progress. Some have begun already, and we hope to see you post as well.

  4. Invite your colleagues! On the right hand side, under your name, next to the friends hyperlink is an Invite hyperlink. We encourage you to invite your colleagues to join in the discussion.

  5. Update Your Profile and Comment on Others! Keep members up to date with your latest information. Post a blog, update your status, add a picture of yourself, and let the community know your area of expertise. All can be done with in your Profile page and we encourage you to do so!

Coming Soon

  1. iACToR is in the process of compiling and formatting the largest CyberPsychology and CyberTherapy Resource for Premium iACToR Members to be launched soon! Stay tuned for details.
  2. iACToR is in the process of adding video chat to the iACToR website so that members can communicate and collaborate no matter where they are across the globe face-to-face. Stay tuned for updates!
Thank you all and I look forward to shaping our community with your help and valuable input!

Create your own reality!

Brenda K. Wiederhold, PhD, MBA, BCIA
Secretary General
International Association of CyberPsychology, Training, & Rehabilitation (iACToR)


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