International Association of CyberPsychology, Training, and Rehabilitation

Dear all,
one of the goal of iACTOR is to exchange materials and ideas. This discussion will try to outline the available resources for all the researchers in this area.

We can start from the official magazines of the association that you can also download in PDF from the JCR/C&R section of the site:

1) Journal of CyberTherapy and Rehabilitation (JCR):

Published quarterly, the Journal of CyberTherapy and Rehabilitation (JCR), is unique among academic journals in that it focuses on the rapidly expanding worldwide trend of moving toward technological applications in healthcare.

Full issues are available here: http://journalofcybertherapy.webs.com/

The last issue is below:

2) Cyber-Therapy & Rehabilitation Magazine (C&R):

This bi-annual publication will serve as a catalyst whereby society may rapidly benefit from the remarkable technological revolution that is occurring, with the ultimate aim of improving the quality of today's healthcare, helping to quickly disseminate research results, and ultimately elevating the level of care available for each citizen.

The last issue is below:

A further resource is:

3) the Annual Review of CyberTherapy and Telemedicine (ARCTT)

It is a peer-reviewed journal covering a wide variety of topics of interest to the mental health, neuroscience, and rehabilitation communities. The mission of ARCTT is to provide systematic, periodic examinations of scholarly advances in the field of cybertherapy and telemedicine through novel, experimental clinical studies or critical authoritative reviews. It is directed to healthcare providers and researchers who are interested in the applications of advanced media for improving the delivery and efficacy of mental healthcare and rehabilitative services.

Full issues are available here: http://www.arctt.info

The last issue is below:

if you want to try to use VR by yourself, you can use the FREE VR toolkit developed by my team:

4) NeuroVR - http://www.neurovr.org

Virtual reality (VR) can be considered an embodied technology whose potential is wider   than the simple reproduction of real worlds. By designing meaningful embodied activities, VR may be used to facilitate cognitive modelling and change. However, the diffusion of this approach is still limited by three main issues: poor usability, lack of technical expertise among clinical professionals, and high costs. To address these challenges, we introduced NeuroVR 1.0, a cost-free virtual reality platform based on open-source software,
that allows non-expert users to adapt the content of a pre-designed virtual environment to meet the specific needs of the clinical or experimental setting. Following the feedbacks of the users we developed a new version – NeuroVR 1.5 – that improves the possibility for the therapist to enhance the patient’s feeling of familiarity and intimacy with the virtual scene, by using external sounds, photos or videos.
Specifically, the new version now includes full sound support and the ability of triggering external sounds and videos using the keyboard. The NeuroVR platform runs on standard personal computers with Microsoft Windows; the only requirement for the hardware is related to the graphics card, which must support OpenGL.

Feel free to post here any further resource you want to share with the iACTOR members...

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Wow, nice! Thanks a lot!

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