International Association of CyberPsychology, Training, and Rehabilitation

There's a growing presence of bioelectronic med in healthcare & w/Monarch System offering the 1st non-surgical alternative to vagus nerve stimulation (VNS) & deep brain stimulation (DBS) (which requires surgical implantation of a device in a patient's chest, neck & brain) bioelect tech is now providing patients a realistic alternative to pharma trmts.
The Monarch eTNS device generates a low-level ​electro​pulse (biphasic rectangular impulses w/250μ pulsewidth, 60 Hz frequency, & 16 mA current intensity) via a connector to a small patch adhering to a recipient's forehead -- just above the eyebrows -- it feels like a slight tingling sensation on the skin. The system delivers the low-level electrical stimulation to the branches of the trigeminal nerve, which sends therapeutic signals to the parts of the brain related to ADHD.

The trigeminal nerve (also known as Cranial Nerve V) is the largest cranial nerve & provides sensations/signals to the face via three main branches (V1, V2, and V3). Due to its unique anatomy, the trigeminal nerve is effectively stimulated w/non-invasive electrical signals applied to the forehead.

Once stimulated, signals from the trigeminal nerve enter the brainstem via the trigeminal nucleus -- which has a "broad bandwidth" to facilitate linkages to multiple other brainstem nuclei, such as the locus coeruleus (LC).  

Studies of vagal nerve stimulation (VNS) have demonstrated activation of the LC is critical for signals entering the brain stem to be directed to the thalamus, and on to higher cortical centers.  

Studies of patients receiving eTNS have demonstrated acute changes in cerebral blood flow and metabolism. These studies show decreased blood flow in regions of the cortex known to be involved in the initiation and propagation of seizures, while simultaneously showing increased blood flow in brain regions shown to be hypometabolic in depression.

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Comment by Randy Eady on April 28, 2019 at 4:16am
Employing novel robotic, extended reality-based technology & emerging quantum bio-mechanical therapeutics, this approach combines ergonomic principles & immersive AI deep-learning to model psychometric/clinimetric ecosystems (real-world & virtual-reality-based).

In action, the room-sized simulator is aimed at safely challenging people to learn and incorporate new strategies for coping with changes in their balance, coordination or mobility caused by disability, traumatic injury or aging.  

Scenes are projected on its 180-degree screen range from walking through a forest to driving past cityscapes to riding on a wave-tossed boat.

The multi-dimensional XR system engages and entertains – but its purpose is serious:  improving mobility, affording positive engagement toward advancing plasticity and enhancing well-being for people with significant disabilities.

This cybertherapeutic approach also provides more comprehensive ways to ascertain, diagnosis and advance treatments of musculoskeletal, neurological and mental health conditions.

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