International Association of CyberPsychology, Training, and Rehabilitation

Hello all,

I am conducting my Master's thesis on video game research and was wondering who all here is involved with video game research.


Trevor Dennie

MA Student

Western Carolina University

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I'm not a reseacher but maybe this will help you...




My thesis looks at the relationship between perception of autonomy and its effect on intrinsic motivation, enjoyment and performance.

I am using the Kinect in order to determine if using a "personalized" vs. default avatar in-game, changes intrinsic, motivation, enjoyment and performance between two Kinect video games.

Jason May said:


I have my Master's in psychology and am also interested in video game research. I have completed an undergraduate thesis on video games and the self concept and have followed the research trends during my Master's program. My Master's thesis covered video games as learning tools in the classroom. What are you interested in specifically?

Hi Trevor,

We have conducted research in video games as well, a recent paper of ours was published in Cyberpsychology, Behavior and Social Networking, you can access it at http://online.liebertpub.com/doi/abs/10.1089/cyber.2012.0064

Best regards

Georgios Floros

VP Hellenic Association for the Study of Internet Addiction Disorder


I am also conducting my Master´s thesis with Nintendo Wii Training. I have one article publicated currently. Maybe help you:  http://www.sbafs.org.br/_artigos/534.pdf

Best regards,

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