International Association of CyberPsychology, Training, and Rehabilitation

Who can share or recommend research programs for CAVE?

Hi everybody,


Who can share CAVE programs to do psychology-related studies?

I am seeking programs to be used in CAVE. I mean research programs to study perception, emotions, effectiveness of exposure or training, etc.

We have now a fully ready-to-use CAVE system at Moscow U. We have not enough software developers to write applications on our legal VIRTOOLS. We need any sort of research applications - first to teach students, and 2nd to do studies. We are open for cross-cultural studies, if you share the research programs with us.

We can also pay reasonable payments to adapt your research programs to our technology (which is standard).

I have already addressed colleagues some two years ago, but did not force the talk since I expected that the CAVE will not be ready to use during several months/years. Now I am addressing again.


THanks in advance to all those who will think of giving a reply.


Alexander Voiskounsky


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