International Association of CyberPsychology, Training, and Rehabilitation

Making Waves in the Sea of Tranquility

The principle of somavedics approaches wellness with a fusion:  Eastern thought combined with Western biofield therapeutics.   

As a therapeutic process the goal is to enhance (structure) the bioavailability and controlled release of energy throughout the body via sensorium stimulation from light & targeted vibro-acoustic energy sources.

What propels things into being is intention, which steers attention, and strengthens the feelings to translate that emotion into a state of being.


As a result, all power manifests through four aspects:

breath, light, sound, and intent; these aspects form the basis of both internal and expressed communication.

Dynamicals in Somavedics

Binaural beats ~~ to have the brain synth & receive its own third tone. Plus, sprinkle in very low frequencies of alpha, theta, and delta brain wave inducement via light flickers entering the eye & pleasant pulses to the ear meridians (in a similar way owls process sound and light to see UV without having UV retinal receptors – as they “hear” these light frequencies in the dark).  This amplifies our desired brain waves to increase energy, tighten focus, and even access more restful sleep.

A vivid example of these Biosemiotics in Action: as owl's are missing UV visual receptors... they only get a splotchy view of ​squirrels​ as they sail at night. Why is this so enigmatic in the realms of zoology & biology?

Blame a lot of it on specialization & silos of info. When those scientific specialists drill down so deep, they lack (or are 'educated away') from a holistic basis for eco-systemics -- the dynamical aspects of frontiers are rarely breached -- let alone under much consideration.

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Comment by Randy Eady on September 23, 2022 at 3:04am

How vital is light? For healing & health. . . ask the 'shrooms that sprout from those blue ghost wavelengths. . .

Blue ghosts: spirits of the forest
The blue ghost firefly (Phausis reticulata) is a species of particular fascination here in the Great Smoky Mountains. Their eerie name comes from the singular, long-lasting, flash of males which can remain illuminated

Magazine | Cannery Row Press

Blue Hues of Healing | LinkedIn

The Blue Light of Love 

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