International Association of CyberPsychology, Training, and Rehabilitation

EuroStim &EuroMov (Focus on Bioelectromagnetics to address medical applications, health concerns & EMF regulatory oversight

Human sensitivity to electrical stimulation by contact currents, as well as by electric & magnetic fieldsinduction exposure, is of vital health and global wellness concern.

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Comment by Randy Eady on May 8, 2021 at 8:53am

Comment by Randy Eady on May 6, 2021 at 11:12am
PaperThe following article is Open access

Innovative technical implementation of the Schumann resonances and its influence on organisms and biological cells

“A disturbance of the rhythms within the hippocampus can be a possible cause for pathological conditions such as epilepsies, schizophrenias or memory disorders within the framework of Alzheimer’s disease”. The pineal gland is responsible for the production of melatonin and therefore for the management of the sleep hormone. The pineal gland is able to detect electromagnetical fields. Biological implications of the pineal gland in connection to electromagnetical fields have been researched for over half a century. They substantiate the pineal gland affinity for emf sensitivity. The scientist E. Jacobi, UniDuesseldorf (Germany), demonstrated the absence of Schumann Resonances produced mental and physiological health problems within the human body. Professor R. Wever of the Max Planck Institute for behavioural physiology in Erling-Andechs (Germany) conducted a study thereto. He had an underground bunker built, which was completely shielded from magnetic fields. He then had volunteering students live in it for several weeks. During this time, he noted the students suffered from mental stress and migraines. He then reintroduced the Schumann Resonances to their surroundings and the results were incredible. After a short exposure to 7,83Hz the health of the volunteers stabilized.This showed a direct relation between human beings and the earth’s “pulse”. This project was corroborated later in 2011 by Luc Montagnier. Several references are shown that the DNA double helix is like an antenna. DNA-sequences communicate with one another via electromagnetic wavesMontagnier initiated a water-DNA-experiment. He removed DNA from water and added electro-magneticwaves of 7,83 Hz. During the experiment, new DNA strands were built. Without radiation, no new DNA was built. Therefore, an explicit connection between Schumann Resonances and the creation of life exists.


Comment by Randy Eady on May 6, 2021 at 9:53am

Comment by Randy Eady on April 5, 2021 at 9:59am

PoNS & BrainPort: Couple of EuroStim/EuroMove NeuroHeroes!

Comment by Randy Eady on September 2, 2020 at 6:48am

What do a thoroughbred American quarter horse known as “Impressive”, a shivering pig, a herd of “fainting’ goats” a child with cystic fibrosis and a person with a rare inherited form of diabetes have in common? 

The answer:  all of them have genetic errors in a particular kind of protein, known as an ion channel, that regulates the electrical activity of the body. 

Humans are electrical machines and your ability to read this page and to understand its message, to laugh, to cry, to see and hear, and to move your limbs, is due to the electrical events taking place in the nerve cells in your brain and the muscle cells in your limbs. 

And that electrical activity is initiated and regulated by your ion channels. These little-known proteins are essential for every aspect of our lives, from consciousness to fighting infection, from sexual attraction to the beating of our hearts. 

They are also used as weapons of bio-warfare by the immune system and by various microbial constituents.  Is it not surprising how a plethora of medicinal drugs work by regulating the activity of ion channels? 

Moreover, that impaired ion channel function is responsible for many diseases: across the human and animal perspective. 

This story charts a portion of the development of our understanding of our animating electricity (our personal electrome), while explaining how it’s generated by ion channels, and discusses the ways that ion channels regulate our lives and the dramatic consequences when things go wrong. 

It also shows how an understanding of the ion channels involved can lead to new therapeutics for people not only born with a rare form of diabetes, but for helping people restore sense of smell*.  In brief, its aim is to introduce and “sing the body electric”.

* It's been shown *smelling ozone* before a thunderstorm expands blood flow in the lungs & brain. https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/storm-scents-smell-rain/

Let’s then add scent to the mix:  another “jolting” consideration for the awareness of petrichor (our sense of smelling ions) is to note how a process of regulatory ephaptic coupling (EC) is intrinsically involved in our ability to smell.  And, how loss of smell -- is an initial/ early onset indicator in Parkinson's. 

Happening to view PD as an electrical dysrhythmia helps to make this breakdown in cell signaling even more palpable (& a number of studies have shown how inhibition among neurons in the olfactory system work to fine tune integration of bio-electrical signals in response to odor.) 

This inhibition has been shown to occur from changes in electrical potentials (in the atmosphere) detected by subtle EC fields alone

Neurons in the olfactory system are unmyelinated & densely packed and,  as such,  the often small effects of EC are more easily detected as electrical/ionic changes. 

(So we smell the difference in dry air & air filtered with rain drops.) 

The addition of EC to a regulatory olfactory neuron model adds further support to the "dedicated-line" notion, as well as facilitating a therapeutic process in which each olfactory receptor sends its signal to one neuron. By fostering a robust inhibition due to EC, there is more subtle accounting for the integration of these ionic signals -- giving rise to more nuanced perception of smells.  

It also helps to detect aspects such as ionic potentials in the atmosphere (as mentioned in this article re:  smell of rain).

Comment by Randy Eady on August 29, 2020 at 12:29pm

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